Free Workouts!


Workout 1

Elevated Air Squats 4x30

SA Elevated Push-Up 4x10-12

RB Standing Row 4x15

Zottman Curl 4x10-15

BD Seated Abduction 4x30

Frog Pumps EMOM 20-25 reps @ 10 minutes

EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute. Perform 20-25 reps at the start of the minute and rest until the next minute starts. Do this for 10 minutes for a total of 200-225 reps.

Workout 2

DB Overhead Squat Snatch 4x10-12

RB Knee Banded Deadlifts 4x8-10

DB Sumo Deadlifts 4x12-15

Pulse Squat 4x20-25

Plate Curls 4x10-12

Plate Overhead Extensions 4x10-12

BD Hip Thrust with Abduction 4x20-30

Workout 3

KB Squat Swing 4x12-15

KB Snatch 4x10-12

KB Press 4x8-10

KB Sit-Up 4 sets to failure

KB Skull Crusher 4x10-12

KB Clean to Goblet Squat EMOM 12-15 reps @ 10 minutes

EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute. Perform 12-15 reps at the start of the minute and rest until the next minute starts. Do this for 10 minutes for a total of 120-150 reps.