Kettlebell Workouts
“April is such a great time…to build the swollest back you can imagine! Yes, this month we will be working on back strength and pull-ups. Developing the posterior chain is essential for the body to function. If this breaks down the entire body falls apart. So strengthening the back is a priority!
day 1 Ballistics
Day 1: Ballistics
Alternating Squat Cleans 4x6 L/R
Offset Deadlifts 3x10 L/R
Row + Half Snatch 3x10 L/R
Stagger Stance Swing 3x12
Flutter Kicks 3:00 minutes
Clean Ladder 10 to 1 L/R
LADDER: Reps are performed in sequential and consecutive order. For example, an descending ladder of 10 means that you start with 10 reps then rest. Next set is 9 reps then rest. You keep doing this until you reach the final number (this being 10). A ladder can be ascending or descending. Try to perform ladders with limited rest or breaks.
Jerk AMRAP @ 6:00 minutes
AMRAP (as many reps as possible) is performed in a specific time frame. In the case above, perform as many reps as possible in a 6-minute time-period. Rest as needed but always maintain good form over speed.
day 2 Grinds
Box Squat 4x10
Reverse Lunge 3x6 L/R
RB Straight Arm Pullover 3x10
Half Kneeling SA Row 3x12 L/R
Diamond Push-Up 3x8-12
Bottoms Up March @ 4:00 minutes
Deadstop Clean 3x6 L/R
Pistol Curls 3x8-12 L/R
Hip Bridge KB (banded optional) EMOM 15-20 reps @ 8:00 minutes
EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute. For example, 15 reps @ 10 min means 15 reps at the start of the minute and rest until the next minute starts. Do this for 10
Day 3 Full body Conditioning
Banded Swing 4x25
Curtsy Lunge 3x8 L/R
High Pull to Clean and Press 4x6 L/R
SA Chest Press 3x8 L/R
Snatch Ladder 10 to 1 L/R
LADDER: Reps are performed in sequential and consecutive order. For example, an descending ladder of 10 means that you start with 10 reps then rest. Next set is 9 reps then rest. You keep doing this until you reach the final number (this being 10). A ladder can be ascending or descending. Try to perform ladders with limited rest or breaks.
Cleans 3x12/10/8 L/R
B-Stance Hip Bridge 3x25 L/R